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The following values are possible for this field: Yes — the request was filled. No — the request was not fulfilled, because it was rejected by the partner. Not Applicable — the request was cancelled because, for example, the item is actually available, the institution decided to purchase the requested item, or the patron cancelled the request.
In Progress — the request is in the process of being handled. When the Year checkbox is selected and the field contains a value, you can define the conditions for update:.
If the checkbox is selected and the Year is left blank, the year is removed from all courses in the set. The new types are displayed as part of the Type drop-down menu. In the Type drop-down menu, the new material types are presented under the Others sub-category and are ordered alphabetically. Existing types cannot be removed, only customized. When using the Withdraw Items action to remove a physical item from a repository, Alma now checks whether this item is used as course material.
If so, the warning message now includes a notice that the item is on one or more reading lists. The message also includes the courses that are associated with the list or lists.
Confirmation Message for removing electronic items. Additional Enhancements No additional enhancements match your criteria. To support this feature, the U. SuDoc Classifications folder was added to the Other Classifications dimension in all subject areas in which it appears. The U. SuDoc Classification information is taken from the field of the bibliographic record. For more information, see Other Classifications.
It is replaced by the System Events Subject Area to enable quicker and more efficient running of reports. If you have analytics reports, dashboards, or widgets that use the old Events subject area, these must be replaced with reports based on the new System Events subject area.
Additionally, any analytics objects that you have based on reports or dashboards from the old Events subject area must be replaced with reports or dashboards from the new System Events subject area. If you need assistance recovering reports that used the old Events subject area, contact Ex Libris Support. For more information, see this Knowledge Article. This makes it possible for remote storage facilities that manage their stock by Storage IDs rather than barcodes to effectively integrate with Alma.
November Resource Management URM It is now possible to include the receiver's name in the email address in emails sent from Alma. This may decrease the chances of having the email count as spam when it enters the recipient's inbox. This was done in order to standardize the terminology throughout Alma. November Analytics URM The Bibliographic Details dimension, common to many subject areas, was added to the Digital Waitlist subject area to enable you to create reports with the fields of this dimension.
It indicates if the option to automatically activate new portfolios when they are added to a service is configured. For more information, see Managing Electronic Resources. For more details, see Primo Discovery. It displays the notes added under the Notes tab for the borrowing request or the lending request.
This field is separate from the Notes field that displays the notes added under the General Information tab. August Administration and Infrastructure URM Librarians are now enabled to view entities they have worked on 14 days prior, allowing more data retention within Alma. August Administration and Infrastructure URM Recent Entities now reflect activities that you performed for the last 14 days. This makes it easier for staff working on the list to organize and prioritize their work on it.
This makes it possible to export this list with these values included so that library applications that use Alma APIs can use them as required. Note that the columns are hidden by default in Alma, so you will only see them if you select them in the table settings. This format enables users more options and improves efficiency. Alma Events Event Type Event Description The user has failed to login to the system Community linked record updated with local extensions Send message to remote storage successfully No response from remote storage Failed to send message to remote storage Failed to connect to remote storage Loading patron user group succeeded Loading patron user group failed Wrong Data found when parsing element for User Import Job External system Task Chain Fail for User Failed to send Inventory Add message Inventory Delete message was sent successfully Failed to send Inventory Delete message.
It indicates the specific Ex Libris product for which the role is assigned. May Analytics URM The names of the following fields were changed to have the word User added as a prefix to indicate that the information comes from the user record.
Therefore, no data is displayed for these fields for institutions that anonymize their user records. To enable this feature, contact Ex Libris support. They indicate the time from when the lending library sent the requested material until the patron received it. February Digital Resource Management URM Navigation arrows were added to the Alma Viewer for images displayed in Full Screen mode to allow you to navigate between the images of a representation. This field displays the call number used to file items on the shelves of the library.
It displays the note of the PO line renewal for continuous orders. A pop-up now appears with a list of the collections to which you can move the titles.
Watch the Move Titles Between Collections video seconds. The user cannot save images using the Save As function of the browser. For more information, see Out-of-the-Box Reports. It indicates how many requested digital files were actually accessed by patrons. November Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM When new items are manually added to reading lists in Alma, Alma attempts to link them to library resources using the resource locate functionality. Previously, the option to have items with multiple matches located by inventory type was only used when items were added in Leganto and in the Process and Enrich citations job.
It indicates if the course is archived or unarchived. January Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: Resolved Issues No resolved issues match your criteria. This was fixed. November Release Update Acquisitions SF: URM When two instances of the EDI-Load Files job ran simultaneously, the jobs did not always import all of the invoices from the vendor's server. Now, multiple instances of the job will not be allowed to run at the same time - each new instance will wait until the previous one has finished.
As a result, all invoices will be imported as they should be. The link has been restored. This was fixed so now when pressing the Holdings tab, holding information is presented. F9, etc. April Release Update Resource Management SF: URM New Metadata Editor: An issue with tabs management caused issues with the data presented in some functions that use multiple tabs browse bib headings, authorities and view inventory. February Release Update Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: URM A borrowing request was not received by the next partner on the rota after being manually rejected by the staff of the previous partner.
This was fixed and the request cancellation reasons now display in the translated language. This was fixed and the default value that is now used is the Default pickup location configured on the resource sharing library; the value from the customer parameter is only used if this configuration is empty or not applicable. This was fixed, and in these cases, the request is now canceled. December Fulfillment SF: URM The facets in the Monitor Requests list did not show the list of requests in chronological order when more than one page of results existed.
This was fixed and the requests now display in chronological order. This was fixed and the information is now sent to RapidILL. All unassigned borrowing requests are now correctly displaying in the relevant task widgets. December Resource Management SF: URM When blended sets are used in publishing from consortia members, member records linked to the Network Zone or Community Zone records were not flagged for republishing when items or holdings were deleted.
The fix will only apply when items or holdings are deleted after the December release deployment. It is not retroactive. The fix will be applied for updated records from the December release. Existing data will be handled in the next semi-annual indexing job planned for May This has been fixed.
Now SBN search fields are displayed. It is recommended to reload the original record. This was fixed and now all occurrences of the subfield are being checked and corrected. These were fixed. This was fixed and now it is possible to select and perform actions for files from multiple pages.
In addition, 2 feedback messages were added: 1. These files will not be handled. Now, when a user has many roles related to physical inventory management for different libraries, the process for editing a holding is noticeably enhanced. December Electronic Resource Management SF: URM In the Upload Electronic Holdings job, there were some cases when two titles were related to each other, and one title was already activated in the institution but the other one was not yet activated. In these cases, instead of activating the missing title, the job would update the existing portfolio with coverage data from the missing portfolio.
December Electronic Resource Management SF: URM When searching for an electronic collection and enabling blended network search, after clicking on the portfolio list and searching the electronic collection again, the blended search is not enabled. This issue was fixed and now the blended search results appear. December Electronic Resource Management SF: URM When using the extended export of the electronic collection portfolio list in the Community Zone, in some cases the exported files are not opening.
This issue was fixed and the exported files open successfully. This issue was fixed and the column is now empty for local electronic collections. This was fixed and the error message is no longer displayed. This was fixed by changing the mode of the page to edit mode. This was fixed and now no value is equal to Zero value.
Note that at this point, the fix covers only cases where the predicted schedule is monthly or annual with both chronological and enumeration data.
December Acquisitions SF: URM There was an issue when trying to update the monthly usage data which caused duplicated rows. This was fixed and there are no more duplicated rows after a manual upload.
December Acquisitions SF: URM In cases where the vendor account was unknown, the emailed letter would not be sent. This was fixed so that when the vendor account is not known an email is sent to the email associated with the vendor. This was fixed; The date of the old value change is displayed. December Administration and Infrastructure SF: URM Editing an expired user account sometimes incorrectly triggered the sending of a Patron Welcome letter to the user. This was fixed and patrons whose user accounts expired no longer receive the Patron Welcome letter.
This was fixed by updating the clone script. December Administration and Infrastructure SF: URM Users search was still available when the User list view privilege was disabled, for example, an operator with the Circulation desk operator role could search users via the Manage Patron Services page. This has been fixed and the User search is no longer available when the User list view privilege is disabled. December Administration and Infrastructure SF: URM Upload of an Excel file into a mapping table fails if there are more rows in the excel file than there are rows in the table.
This has been corrected. December Administration and Infrastructure SF: URM When the Quick links menu is pinned, it is not refreshed immediately upon adding or removing items was fixed. December Administration and Infrastructure SF: URM We changed the behavior of the Analytics widgets - to show reports with pagination rows per page and not the full report.
December Administration and Infrastructure SF: URM When trying to display digital files with the Alma Viewer, an error in Angular js resulted in redundant calls that created a error and prevented the file from being displayed. An error message Query Error More Detail was displayed. Additionally, the Show Details link did not work. This was fixed by the development team updating the access rights table and table name. This was fixed by updating an Oracle configuration file. The delete item API now checks the user role scope before performing the action.
This was fixed, and the block description is now translated as expected. This was fixed and the icon now aligns properly with the input field. November Fulfillment SF: URM Previously, when a work-order request or transit request was created by scanning an item, the description field was not included in the request details, despite this option being enabled. This was fixed; the description field is now filled in as it should be. November Fulfillment SF: URM When a digitization request was created for an item that was located in a remote storage, and the request needed approval, an approval request was not generated.
This was fixed; Approval requests for digitization are now created as expected. This was fixed; the labels are translated as expected. The due dates are now updated correctly. November Fulfillment SF: URM In lending requests, when the Level of Service field was edited, the change was not implemented in the shipping-cost calculation if a default value was defined for this field in the code table. This was fixed; changes to the Level of Service are now implemented as they should be.
November Fulfillment SF: URM Previously, when a digitization request was created for an item from institution A, and the item was scanned in institution B e.
This was fixed; the scan is now implemented successfully in these cases, and no error messages appear. November Fulfillment SF: URM Previously, when the requested format of a borrowing request was digital , internal notes that were added to the request at the time the item was received were not saved in the Notes tab.
This was fixed; internal notes added to digital borrowing requests are saved as expected. November Fulfillment SF: URM When a completed lending request was reactivated and the item was shipped, the request was assigned the status Rejected the borrower request instead of Shipped physically.
This was fixed, and the correct status is now assigned to lending requests that are reactivated and then shipped. November Fulfillment SF: URM In the New Layout of the task list of resource-sharing borrowing requests, selecting the requester's name did not provide additional information about the requester, such as contact information, as it should have.
Selecting the requester's name now opens a box in which this information is displayed. November Fulfillment SF: URM In the New Layout of the resource-sharing interface, renewing a borrowing request failed if the item had not been loaned yet. This was fixed; renewing a borrowing request is successful even if the item has not yet been loaned.
This was fixed, and the cursor is now placed in the correct location. This was fixed and they now are categorized as 'Completed'. November Fulfillment SF: URM A lending request that uses the will supply workflow when a move request was created, changes the status automatically to 'will supply' but the facet is not automatically updated as it was in old UI.
Now, the facet is automatically updated. November Fulfillment SF: URM In the New Layout for resource-sharing Borrowing Requests and Lending Requests task lists, the date facets did not show the correct number of requests per date range. The date facets now show the correct number of results per date range.
November Fulfillment URM In the New Layout of the resource-sharing Borrowing Requests task list, when the "View network resources" row action was selected for an article, the search used the article title instead of the journal title. The search now uses the journal title as intended. November Fulfillment Resource Sharing In the New Layout, in the resource-sharing Borrowing Requests and Lending Requests task lists, the date facets did not show the correct number of requests per date range.
This was fixed; the date facets now show the correct number of results per date range. November Fulfillment Resource Sharing In the New Layout of the resource-sharing Borrowing Requests task list, when the View network resources row action was selected for an article, the search used the article title instead of the journal title.
This was fixed; the search now uses the journal title as it should. November Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM The right pane edit form for book requests did not allow editing the Publication Date, Start Page, and End Page for both borrowing and lending requests as it does for article requests. November Fulfillment - Resource Sharing URM The assignee information now appears on borrowing and lending requests, and the Assigned to label now appears in the second column on a request.
Now the title only displays as a link in the right pane. November Resource Management SF: URM The publishing profile is publishing the incorrect time for the item creation and modification date. November Resource Management SF: URM Physical Holdings search - Pattern 1st level of enumeration index and also 2nd and 3rd : these indexes are created from the holdings field , subfields a, b, and c.
For this fix to take effect, full inventory indexing is required. This is fixed and Relation Type was added for related records displayed from the network search tab. The fix will be applied gradually to existing data during the semiannual indexing, starting in November. This is fixed. This was fixed and the BIB Redirection fields page was improved to display the list of Identifier Type without scrolling down. The existing data will be fixed after the reindexing job of the November release will be completed.
This has been fixed by adding new values to the form control for fields and only. This was fixed and an error message was added to inform the user about the failure cause. November Resource Management SF: URM When creating a new record from an existing one or from a template with field, the newly created record is created with originating system ID as the field from the original record.
This was fixed, from now the record will be created with originating system ID from his own field. This was fixed, and the Item inventory date now displays the same value in Analytics as in the Item Editor.
November Electronic Resource Management SF: URM When a portfolio was updated in the Community Zone, if this portfolio didn't exist in an institution where the collection belongs and is marked for auto-active, the portfolio wasn't created automatically in the institution.
This was fixed and no error is displayed. This was fixed to show the line breaks as in the original file. This was fixed and now updated records are published. This was fixed and now the rerun action ignores the filter pattern. Very old WebUI projects sometimes failed to open, because their internal structure was not perfectly converted into the new webui. We have improved the backward compatibility. If a numeric value is converted to a string representation either via FormatString or via an implicit conversion , the value according to the actual unit should be used.
This was not the case in all situations. Additionally, when this is used in a definition, the definition is now re-evaluated when the current convention of the model changes.
When reading from a database table into a parameter with a definition, no error was raised. Now this will correctly show an execution error. When reading from a database table and filtering on a column which was not in the index domain of the identifier, the identifier got incorrect data.
This situation now issues an execution error. The incumbent callback procedure has been renamed to candidate , and the new incumbent callback procedure has been renamed to incumbent. Note that the functionality of the incumbent callback procedure has changed as it now can no longer be used to reject candidate incumbent solutions use the new candidate callback for that.
The math program suffix. CallbackNewIncumbent has been renamed to. In the new compiler the precedence of the dollar operator is always as stated in the language reference, taking precedence over all other binary operators. Use parentheses to make your intention clear. In some cases, the changed interpretation can lead to compile errors, which may be puzzling.
In other situations, the result may be different. To correct these warnings there are multiple solutions:. During the creation of an. The end user can then run the project without the need to have access to the on-line library repository. It is no longer allowed to assign a set with only one element to a non-scalar element valued parameter.
Visible license info text above Menu and Settings LicenseInfo , sessions. They are still present under the Advanced tab, though. The dialog contains a link explaining why this is and what you can do to make your WebUI future-proof in this respect.
The settings cog-wheel for several smaller widgets such as button, label, upload, download and selection box has been changed, such that it no longer floats outside the widget but stays inside so users can actually find it easily and have no overlap or out of viewport issues. Referencing a defined parameter that has a domain condition from within an expression could sometimes lead to a strange and incorrect compilation error.
When scheduling multiple procedures via the call to ScheduleAt, the procedures were not always executed at the correct moments in time. A parameter with an indexed unit parameter as unit and with one of its domain sets being empty took a really long time to display in the WinUI Pivot Table.
This features enables you to add additional css classes to specific tuples in widgets. It allows for more responsive synchronization between widgets. Currently the Gantt Chart and the Table widgets support this. This has been removed, as it served no purpose. Single-page WebUI apps were converted to the new webui.
Due to a performance degradation, in release 4. Now we have fixed this issue in a much nicer way. In some cases, clicking on a row in a Table widget, immediately followed by a scroll up or down, was too slow.
In rare cases, solving a math program for a second time could result in an error if the first solve was using a callback procedure in which another math program was solved.
This only occurred if the solver used multiple threads e. Moving a node in the model tree from global to local procedure scope or vice versa could lead to a crash during subsequent model editor actions. Although not mathematically correct, in most of the existing AIMMS models the fact that the Mean over an empty iterative domain set results in 0.
The SolutionTime suffix of a math program would contain a negative value after a solve if the solver used multiple threads e. There was a problem in the page menu, if a folder had the same name as the app name.
In that case, pages listed below it were failing when accessed through the menu. In the Ganttchart widget, a job was not displayed if its start time was 0 but had a duration , while the previous or the next job did have a start time but no duration.
The application of name changes is now restricted to only the identifier names that cannot be resolved within the current model context. This issue was introduced by the fix for When runtime identifiers are added or deleted by another thread the Model Explorer now updates its tree accordingly.
This fix is now reverted. A delay similar to tooltips has been added to elements in all charts including map nodes, to avoid flickering. The new procedure ProfilerCollectAllData allows you to retrieve the profiling measurements of statements that are executed on the server and thus display this data in the WebUI.
If you set this option to 1, any leading or trailing spaces in a cell value will be removed before passing it to AIMMS.
From now on, model name changes are propagated to the WebUI. We added Page Actions to the WebUI, which help your users to get quick access to actions that are needed often, while at the same time reducing unnecessary clutter on their WebUI pages.
WebUI now offers, similar to the Page Open Procedure, a Page Leave procedure, which is called upon leaving the page for which it is specified. We are currently working on our Workflow support feature in the WebUI. When selecting a widget in the widget manager that is not in view on the current page, the page is now scrolled such that the widget will be in view, in order to be highlighted properly.
There was a problem related to the resolution of identifier names that contain both a library prefix and a suffix. This, a. The postsolve step did not always work correctly for models with SOS constraints containing continuous variables. When runtime identifiers are added or deleted by another thread the Model Explorer now updates its tree accordingly.
In functions with both an iterative and a regular signature such as first and last , compile warnings were suppressed and compile errors were misleading. During the first compilation at startup of a project, annotation identifiers that resided in a library were not always resolved correctly. In rare cases, solving the same math program for a second time could result in a crash or an incorrect objective being passed to the solver, if the solver used multiple threads e.
On the IE 11 browser, when the Gantt Chart with the Minimum Resource Height specified opens, all resources were loaded within the viewport first and only then the vertical scroll appeared. If a Gantt Chart showed the resolution error message, and you adjusted the Minimum Resource Height in order to tackle that, you would still get the error, only now with a scroll bar added to the widget.
When having a Table widget of which the data depends on another widget and selecting a value in that Table, this could lead to the Table data jumping to its first row again after making a change in the widget on which it depended, thus losing the highlight on the value that you previously selected.
A For-loop using loopcount and an additional check, would only work correctly on every second run. Case references followed by a dot and referring to an identifier with a specified namespace, could in some rare cases incorrectly trigger a compile time error. The displayed name in a Table widget of a subset which comes from an AIMMS library, did not display its namespace prefix. This had the effect that if it was used in a translation file WITH the namespace, no translation would take place.
When using a Scalar widget in compact mode, it would jump back to non-compact mode when opening either a dialog page or a side panel. An identifier for which the unit was specified using a unit parameter with a definition, was not updated correctly in the WebUI when the unit parameter got another value.
Using an element of a Calendar in the function Val or FormatString could lead to a crash when the calendar was using a string parameter for its time format. The two-arguments version of the function Ord could lead to a crash when the ordering of the set that is specified as the second argument was still out-of-date.
Sensitivity ranges were not calculated for LP problems if the barrier algorithm with multiple threads was used. A so-called GUI-expression in the WinUI could cause a serious bug when the compilation of that expression was triggering two or more warnings for example warnings on non-initialized identifiers. AIMMS ended up in an endless loop that was just consuming more and more memory. The syntax highlighting could give some unexpected coloring in deeply nested language constructs.
Having a domain condition which resulted in an empty domain, could sometimes lead to a severe internal error when used in the left hand side of an assignment statement when assigning to an indexed set. It could happen that incorrect expressions used for the Display Domain option of a widget did not lead to an error message and, as a result, to unexpected data being displayed in the widget.
Calling this procedure may help in reducing the memory in use by AIMMS, when somehow the automatic garbage collect of unused strings does not seem to be triggered. See also the documentation in the Function Reference. We made a fundamental change in the storage of WebUI pages and widgets.
For details, see the New Features page. This step creates the expected webui. If you omit this step, you will get an error message upon publishing. The Minimum Resource Height option adjusts the resource height such that when the height of all resources exceeds the height of the Gantt Chart widget, a vertical scroll bar appears on the right and the user can scroll down in order to see the resources below. When a batch is dragged down, the chart automatically scrolls to reveal the resources below.
The Maximum Resource Height option will condense the resources to the set value such that the batches are not spread to fit the size of the Gantt Chart. As of this release, Gantt Chart jobs can now also be resized from the left side in case the duration of the job is editable i. A special cursor will appear if you hover on the sides of the job to signal that you can adjust its duration. There is a new option that allows developers to automatically open the WebUI upon project startup.
This could happen if myElementParameter had been assigned a certain element but that same element was later removed from the range set of myElementParameter.
When using such an element parameter with inactive data in any expression, the element parameter should behave as if it is empty. When running a procedure from the WinUI that ended in a Halt statement, a strange empty error message dialog box popped up. Note: sensitivity information is not available for multi-objective optimization models. The deprecated Math Program suffices modelstat and solverstat were no longer updated.
If no value was set for the procedure column in the WidgetActions string parameter identifier, none of the widget actions were listed in the widget. Widget actions, bar chart settings, line chart settings and store focus options were not displayed in the Options editor when running a WebUI app on an iPad. After editing a cell in a Table involving a vertical scroll bar, the focus on the current element could be lost i. It could happen that after using the search box in a Multiselect widget was used, it disappeared.
Related, when having 2 Multiselect widgets depending on each other, selecting a value in one could lead to the disappearance of the search box in the other. Sometimes an incorrect unit analysis warning was triggered, when the units involved unit parameters. Using the loopcount in the condition of a For statement could lead to a severe compilation error. When a multi-dimensional identifier was written without parentheses where that was not expected, AIMMS would sometimes crash instead of raising a compilation error.
Earlier, if the node size for a set of nodes was the same, the map would consider the value in the set with node radius ranging from 3 to 10, i. We have now increased the max size to Having a domain condition which only involved an element parameter, could lead to the associated identifier not being displayed in the WebUI.
Using custom widget positions could lead to unexpected rendering of your WebUI when resizing the screen. In the Selection box widget, the order of the elements displayed in the selection list was not always as expected. Going forward, only VS versions will be released. This allows you to add a short menu to individual widgets, which you can populate with relevant actions. For more details, please see the documentation.
We fixed an error where the iterative operators First and Last were accepted by the compiler when having two arguments, like in First i, condition i. The compiler did not raise an error and the second argument was just ignored. The correct way to write this is: First i condition i.
If your model now gives an error on this, please correct the syntax and be aware that the expression was never evaluated in the way you probably intended. In very specific circumstances, the current working folder that AIMMS works with could change unexpectedly, leading to error messages about files not being found.
Now the proper working folder is re-initialized more often, minimizing the chance that this problem shows up. Since Aimms 4. The positioning of tooltips has improved for all chart types. Previously, tooltips could be positioned too far to the top of the screen to be read properly, for example. The custom HTML tooltip for the Bubble Chart widget with a data element with a size of 0 was not displaying correctly. The filtering of widgets, using the filter tab of a widget, did not always work correctly.
Since we introduced slicing on identifiers in the WebUI quite a while ago, which is the preferred way of filtering, we decided to remove the filter tab from the widgets. If you have apps which rely on this functionality, they will continue to run as they did. Only if you want to make changes to the filtering, you should do so by either using the advanced options or by opening the model with an older AIMMS version which still has the filter tabs.
We do recommend to consider using slicing on identifiers, though. When using the WebUI in the Chrome browser, on a touch-enabled device, sometimes the widget options icon on the widgets would not show. AIMMS now supports multi-objective optimization which deals with mathematical optimization problems involving more than one objective function that have to be optimized simultaneously. See also the release note about the iterative operators mentioned for the 4. These expressions can be interpreted as iterative operators see the Language Reference, section 5.
If set to 0, the function will not clear the existing content of a cell if there is no data for it in the AIMMS identifier.
This argument is ignored if the optional argument WriteZeros is set to 1. Furthermore, we added some AIMMS procedures to handle the opening of pages and side panels from within your model. The design for the tooltip has changed to match the aesthetics of the WebUI theme.
The font and background color has been changed to the default WebUI theme font and Grey , respectively. It is now possible to hide the tooltip for data you do not want to show tooltips for.
Writing in dense mode was never supported for writing to files only to databases , but did not give a compile error and it could have unexpected results. Using this construction now this gives a compile error. The Language Reference is also more explicit on this than before. This issue has been fixed for Knitro version The tooltip for string manipulation intrinsic functions like FindString was corrected. The Linux version of AIMMS would do many needless calls to a memory function, which in some cases had a negative impact on the performance.
Widgets present on a Side Panel were available for selecting as filter widgets in widgets on a regular WebUI page. This behavior is not as intended and has been removed. The refreshing of widgets, when then updatability of contents identifiers changes, has been improved.
Combining a filter widget with a Table widget using slicing could lead to a freezing app when unselecting all items in the filter widget. Tooltips on widgets were displayed immediately after hovering a data item with your mouse. This could be annoying, so we now leave a short delay before a tooltip appears.
This allows a developer to easily jump to the location of the error. Displaying a scalar widget in a side panel showed a different styling than the same scalar widget outside of a side panel. When specifying a value in the Contents tab of the options editor of a Map widget, the Map would disappear.
As setting contents for a Map, a Group and a Text widget makes no sense anyway, the Contents tab has been removed for these three widget types.
Having one or more side panels in the WebUI led to open lines being displayed in the Page Menu on top of your application. When slicing an index to a subset in the Table widget, your pivoting changes could get reset when refreshing the page. Now you get a proper error message to prevent this situation. The first page of a Wizard would always be displayed as a blank page, even if it contained widgets. Some improvements have been made to the code related to the Store Focus functionality for Table widgets.
This could lead to some performance improvements when re-opening pages. Some warnings that were triggered in an end-user project could lead to a crash, also when running on PRO. Knitro For inefficient use of iterative operators, where not all of the indices introduced were actually referenced in the data, AIMMS used to issue a warning.
In such cases, the warning will no longer be issued. Furthermore, these inefficient expressions could also be generated by the WebUI library under the hood. These expressions will now also run faster, and widgets depending on them will load faster as a result. In this release the implementation of the error handling system as described in the Language Reference, has been rebuilt. This has been done because the previous implementation had some problems that sometimes resulted in errors or warnings not being presented to the user.
Although in most situations the new error handling works exactly the same, you might notice some differences in how errors or warnings are handled. If you think that this handling is incorrect, please let us know. An Assertion with a specified Action attribute that does not contain a Halt statement, triggered a Halt anyway. This implicit Halt should only occur when the Action attribute is empty. Changes in the legacy function handling see Language Reference 8.
If the procedure also uses the more modern style of raising warnings and errors then these raised warnings and errors will just be handled like any other warning or error that is raised during execution.
If an external procedure like for example the axll:: spreadsheet procedures only raises warnings, these warnings are now correctly reported. The WebUI now only displays errors and warnings that are not handled by any local or global error handler. In general, this change will lead to a lot less warnings being displayed. This gives you the benefit of not having to clutter your pages with all kinds of selection widgets, allowing your users to focus better on the widgets that present your data.
In addition, errors that are caught and handled by the model, will not appear in the WebUI anymore. See the note s on error handling in the section above. This is corrected, but it could be that you need to clear your Internet Explorer cache in order not to experience it anymore. This is because the start page internally relies on Internet Explorer. In the Contents tab of the widget options editor, it was not possible anymore to use the scroll bar in case a long list of identifiers was present.
Not all possible pages were being shown in the PageLink dropdown in the action option editor and in the drop down to select pages in the Wizard creator add-on. The default index order in a widget now reflects the order of the indices that were used to declare the identifier.
This problem could, for example, lead to arrows in the Map widget being drawn the wrong way around. This release is a hotfix patch that addresses important regressions introduced in the February release of the following products and versions: Acrobat and Acrobat Reader Acrobat Classic and Acrobat Reader Classic Acrobat and Acrobat Reader Available installers.
Windows installers. Install over. Acrobat Classic Classic release base. Upgrade to pdfToolbox Desktop 7 requires upgrade fee for owners of a pdfToolbox 4, 5 or 6 Desktop license Update of pdfToolbox Desktop 7.
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Request a quote. Pricing Overview Google Cloud pricing. Pay only for what you use with no lock-in. Product-specific Pricing Compute Engine. Get quickstarts and reference architectures.
Stay in the know and become an innovator. Prepare and register for certifications. Browse upcoming Google Cloud events. Read our latest product news and stories. Read what industry analysts say about us. Expert help and training Consulting. Partner with our experts on cloud projects. Enroll in on-demand or classroom training.
Ask questions, find answers, and connect. Partners and third-party tools Google Cloud partners. Explore benefits of working with a partner. Join the Partner Advantage program. Deploy ready-to-go solutions in a few clicks. These release notes apply to the core Dataproc service, and include: Announcements of the latest Dataproc image versions installed on the Compute Engine VMs used in Dataproc clusters See the Dataproc version list for a list of supported Dataproc images, with links to pages that list the software components installed on current and recently released Dataproc images Announcements of new and updated Dataproc and Dataproc Serverless features, bug fixes, known issues, and deprecated functionality Release schedule : Typically, new Dataproc releases occur at one- to two-week intervals.
Dataproc Serverless for Spark now allows the customization of driver and executor memory using the following properties: spark. Removed the Auto Zone placement check for supported machine types. The following preview Dataproc image versions are available: 2. Upgraded the Conscrypt library to 2. Fixed a "gsutil not found" issue in the latest 1. Avoid using the following image versions when creating new clusters: 2.
Dataproc support for the following images has been extended to the following dates: Dataproc image version 1. Dataproc on GKE error messages now provide additional information. Fix a bug where properties related to Kerberos cross realm trust were not properly set. Fixed a bug where job was not being marked as terminated after master node reboot.
Fixed a bug where Flink was not able to run on HA clusters. Fixed bugs that could cause Dataproc to delay marking a job cancelled. These sub-minor versions have been rolled back, and can only be used when updating existing clusters that already use them: 1. To delete any failed primary workers when you create a cluster: Using gcloud : Set the gcloud dataproc clusters create --action-on-failed-primary-workers flag to "DELETE". Dataproc issues a warning message if the staging or test bucket name contains an underscore.
Fixed Jupyter startup on Personal Auth clusters on all images. Upgrades Spark version to 3. Upgraded Zeppelin version to 0. Minimum boot disk sizes for Dataproc images: Image 2. The following previously released sub-minor versions of Dataproc images have been rolled back and can only be used when updating existing clusters that already use them: 1.
Custom image limitation: Currently, the following Dataproc image versions are the latest images that can be used as the base for custom images : 1. Rollback Notice: See the June 29, release note rollback notice. Upgraded versions of Python packages: nbdime 2. If you use a fork of connectors initialization-actions , then sync from head. Dataproc support of Dataproc Metastore services is now available in GA. Updated Flink to version 1.
Fixed a bug that caused Hive jobs to fail on Ranger-enabled clusters. Fixed the permission for mounted SSD Hadoop directories. Fixed a bug that prevented Dataproc on GKE cluster creation. Upgraded Druid to version 0. Updated Iceberg to version 0. Changed default values of Spark SQL properties: spark. Installed google-cloud-bigquery-storage package by default in the Anaconda component. Changed default value of zeppelin. Installed google-cloud-bigquery-storage in default conda environment.
All supported images Upgraded Conscrypt to the 2. Updated R to the 4. All image versions Upgrade Conscrypt to version 2. Upgrade Miniconda to version 4. HIVE : Enable session pool by default. Upgraded Scala to 2. Upgraded Druid to 0.
Upgraded Flink to 1. Upgraded Hue to 4. Switched 1. Upgraded Spark to 2. Upgraded Zeppelin to 0. Included all plugins in Zeppelin installation by default. Upgraded HBase to 2. Fixed an issue where optional components that depend on HDFS failed on single node clusters. Updated R version to 3. Upgrade Hive to version 2. Clusters can now be created with non-preemptible secondary workers. Added alphabetical sort order to Workflow Templates List methods. Added the following flag to the gcloud dataproc clusters update command: --num-secondary-workers.
The following flag to gcloud dataproc clusters update has been deprecated: --num-preemptible-workers See the related change, above, for the new flag to use in place of this deprecated flag. Users can overwrite the locations of job history file persistence through the following properties: mapreduce. The following profiling properties can also be set when submitting a Dataproc job: cloud. Upgraded Druid version to 0. Cluster list methods now return results in lexical order.
Added the following flags to gcloud dataproc clusters create and gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster commands: --num-secondary-workers --num-secondary-worker-local-ssds --secondary-worker-boot-disk-size --secondary-worker-boot-disk-type --secondary-worker-accelerator. The following flags to gcloud dataproc clusters create and gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster commands have been deprecated: --num-preemptible-workers --num-preemptible-worker-local-ssds --preemptible-worker-boot-disk-size --preemptible-worker-boot-disk-type --preemptible-worker-accelerator See the related change, above, for the new flags to use in place of these deprecated flags.
This feature provides options to delete a cluster: at a specified future time after a specified cluster idle period after a specified period that starts from the time of submission of the cluster creation request. Previous behavior can be restored by setting spark. Set mapreduce. Installed Delta Lake 0. Note that Dataproc 1. Breaking Changes: Dataproc will no longer accept requests to create new clusters using Debian 8 images.
Also fixes an issue where autoscaling would not reset correctly if autoscaling was disabled then re-enabled with the same within 30 seconds. Fixed race condition where deleting a cluster shortly after updating it would not delete all of the cluster's VMs Allow compute resource names with an Alpha API version.
This feature automatically resizes clusters to meet workload demands. Added support for specifying images by image family URI when creating Dataproc clusters. Druid Optional Component can now be configured via druid-broker , druid-overlord , druid-coordinator , druid-historical , and druid-middlemanager property prefixes.
This is intended to be used with DataprocSpawner. Properties dataproc:jupyter. Now, the autoscaler correctly rounds up to ensure that the cluster is large enough to allocate the required percentage of pending memory.
Now, the autoscaler will correctly allocate a new node so that the cluster is sufficiently large to allocate all pending YARN containers.
Fixed autoscaling Stackdriver logging that reported the wrong jsonPayload type. Fixed an issue where creations of High Availability clusters with Kerberos enabled using Ubuntu images failed. Upgraded Hive to 2. Added Sqoop version 1. This feature provides multi-tenancy via user authentication, isolation, and encryption inside a Cloud Dataproc cluster.
New major and sub-minor versions of Cloud Dataproc images: 1. Fixed issue in which Spark jobs failed if fs. Users can override this behavior by setting the properties spark. Fixed an issue in which fsck fails on Kerberized clusters , which can defeat cluster downscaling.
YARN node labels are now disallowed on autoscaling clusters yarn:yarn. Non-exclusive node labels are not compatible with autoscaling since they cause YARN to incorrectly report cluster utilization metrics including pending memory. Kerberos is now configured on a Dataproc cluster via the KerberosConfig message instead of Dataproc properties and optional components. Clusters created with small PD Standard disks will no longer trigger a warning during creation if they also have local SSDs specified on the disk configuration.
Previously, API methods were audited, but not the actual request and response bodies. Previously, log included only the failing operation ID, which user was expected to use to lookup the error message. Resolved scheme-less Spark event log directory relative to default filesystem. Fixed a rare issue where a managed instance group could be leaked if a delete cluster request is processed while a labels update is in progress for a cluster that uses preemptible VMs.
Included S3 and Azure Storage connectors in Spark 2. Allowed updating clusters after the expiration of its custom image. Previously, after the expiration of a cluster's custom image, the cluster could not be resized manually or through autoscaling. Now, clusters created with valid custom images can be resized indefinitely. Disallowed using the dataproc:am. See YARN Note: Hadoop MapReduce and Spark jobs in client mode, which is the Cloud Dataproc default, are resilient to app master failures scheduling app masters on primary workers is not necessary in client mode.
Fixed issue where the dataproc. They are now stored only on the local SSDs. Logs will be sent to the Stackdriver "Cloud Dataproc Job" resource under the dataproc. New sub-minor versions of Cloud Dataproc images - 1. The dataproc:jobs. Fixed quota validation errors in which scaling down clusters with accelerators on primary workers failed with java.
IllegalArgumentException: occurrences cannot be negative. Fixed an issue where the Tez UI failed to load. Fixed a race condition on cluster startup in which a cluster accepted Hive jobs before the hive-server2 was available via beeline to run the jobs.
Fixed an issue where removing the yarn. Cloud Dataproc is now available in the asia-northeast2 region Osaka. After enabling this feature, the Web Interfaces tab on the Cluster details form on the GCP console lists the Component Gateway links to the web interfaces of default and optional components installed on the cluster.
Clicking on a link opens the web interface of the component running on the master node of the cluster in a local browser. Enhanced Flexibility Mode can provide stability and scalability benefits by preserving stateful node data, such as mapreduce shuffle data, in HDFS.
Enhanced Flexibility Mode can be used with clusters created with image version 1. Ubuntu Announcing the Beta release of Cloud Dataproc Autoscaling. Announcing the Beta release of the Cloud Dataproc Zookeeper Optional Component , which allows you to install Apache Zookeeper on your Cloud Dataproc cluster when you create the cluster.
Modified the Kerberos optional component parameter requirement: when cross realm trust is enabled, the admin server of the remote realm is optional. This feature allows users to specify additional components to install when creating new Cloud Dataproc clusters applies to clusters created with image version 1. Fixed an issue in which the namenode occasionally prevented datanodes from registering correctly.
Parallelize Hive. Parallelize FileUtils. Upgraded Zookeeper to 3. Upgraded Hadoop LZO to 0. Upgraded the Cloud Storage connector to 1. Review the change notes in the GitHub repository for more information. Fixed regression in creating autoscaling clusters where dataproc:alpha. Due to the issue announced on February 22, , Cloud Dataproc image versions announced on February 14, 1. The latest images versions available for cluster creation, and the changes and fixes associated with those image versions, are those announced on February 11, 1.
Cloud Dataproc images 1. You can mitigate this issue by pinning the Dataproc image version to one of the previous releases 1. You can override the default values and enable specific HTTP methods on port by setting the yarn.
Used Python 3. Removed upper limit on total number of threads in job drivers. This property will default to "GET" for all Cloud Dataproc clusters in a future release see Important cross-update notes , above.
Fixed issue in which graceful decommission was not graceful on HA clusters. Fixed issue in which mapreduce jobs would fail when trying to write a final history event with "Unknown Job" error by setting dfs.
Fixed a bug that can cause jobs in heavily loaded clusters to fail with a "Task not acquired" error. Do not throttle scheduling of submitted jobs based on master node CPU load. Set yarn. This fixes the bug where trying to graceful decommission nodes with a timeout on Cloud Dataproc 1. Upgrade the Presto Component to version 0. Change property parameter in Kerberos Component "dataproc:kerberos. Make the Presto Component compatible with the Kerberos Component, so if both Components are enabled, Presto will run in secure mode.
Explicitly set the property hadoop. This change will affect any newly created clusters using a Dataproc image 1. This is to help avoid issues caused by incompatibility between SSLv2Hello enabled by default in Hadoop 2.
Make 1. Upgrade Hadoop to 2. Upgrade Hue to 4. Hive replaceFiles Upgrade Hive to 2. Cloud Storage connector upgrade for more information, review the change notes in the GitHub repository.
Alma Release Notes - Ex Libris Knowledge Center.
Features Desktop Edit Profiles: Defined Checks and Fixups from other Libraries can easily imported into the current Library while editing Edit Fixups: Several editors for config files added Create spot color place based on ink amount Embed missing fonts Adjust dot gain Switchboard: New: Fonts: Unembed all fonts Images: Resample to JPEG Several editors for config files added Arrange - Impose: Imposition scheme runlist and sheet configuration sheetconfig Arrange: Page sizes Layers - Split layers: Improved support for Processing Steps layers Pages - Generate bleed: BleedBox will always be corrected based on the generated bleed width for both mirroring methods Process plan UI: Added default values to several step types to facilitate the configuration Several usability improvements like better visualisation of transitions, the possibility to save the current state in between [FP; FP] Defined Profiles, Checks etc.
NET 4. Output Intents, curve files etc Compare Libraries: Included settings of the scope of a specific check e. Features Standalone Reviewed and improved zoom functionality General Checks can now be a part of other Checks using the Property "Include other check" New option in Checks: "Invert check result" Process Plans New Sequence step type "Process Plan" to include other Process Plans as sub-parts New Sequence step type "Save PDF copy" allows to save intermediate results, optionally with suffix, prefix or in a sub-folder of the output path New Sequence step type "Quick Check" allows for high-speed determination of a custom set of PDF details as a JSON expression New Sequence step type "File pick up" allows for getting back to a previous state of the processed file and for using this version for further processing [CA] Profiles: Severity for generic syntax checks can be defined Variables: Licensing details are now listed in JavaScript object app.
Fixes Fixups Discard hidden layer content and flatten visible layers: Problem solved, where processing resulted in an unexpected result in some cases [FP] Actions Visualizer: Fixed issue, where report parts were not created as separate images [CA].
Upgrade to pdfToolbox Desktop 7 requires upgrade fee for owners of a pdfToolbox 4, 5 or 6 Desktop license Update of pdfToolbox Desktop 7. We use cookies to track usage and preferences. Read more about it in our cookie policy. Preferences Accept. Cookie preferences This website uses cookies to provide you with a better visitor experience. Functional cookies These cookies are necessary cookies to ensure that the website functions properly and that your preferences are stored properly.
These sets can now be exported. To support this feature, the new Content Origin drop-down list was added to the List of Sets page that enables you to display sets whose members come from the Institution Zone, a combination of both the Institution Zone and Network Zone, or All records.
In addition, when exporting combined sets with the Export Electronic Portfolios job, the new Add scope indication task parameter is now available:.
Select this option to include the Institution code or the Network institution code of the electronic portfolio in the export file. This information can be useful for sharing internal information with third-party systems.
To support this feature, the Collection Internal Description subfield field was added to the Publishing Profile Details page. Indicate the subfield to which you want the collection internal description added to in the bibliographic record. A new page action is added that enables the user to save the newly created portfolio and test the access simultaneously.
This functionality saves the user from the need to save the portfolio and then test the access as a separate step. Currently, inventory operators can search for items according to process type, but couldn't distinguish between the different custom-defined "In Process Types" work orders.
Now, a new index is added for physical items with the "In Process Type" enabling operators to commence such searches. To support this enhancement, the Overlay option was added to the Match Actions section of the Match Profile tab. Select this option to have Alma overwrite the existing record with the new one. Additionally, the Do not Override Originating System option was added.
Select this option to maintain the originating system of the original record when it is overwritten by the new record. In addition, you can now add a prefix to the identifier to be considered when matching records for Dublin Core records. To support this feature, the Identifier Prefix field was added. Enter a value to match based on the prefix.
Only identifiers with the prefix you entered are considered successful matches. The API restrictions integration profile is now enhanced to enable limiting the user CRUD APIs so that blocks and notes are affected only if their scope is the institution or a library that matches the libraries of the integration profile.
This workflow step is still associated with "Continuous" PO lines that have Automated renewal or Manual Renewal selected. PO lines that are set for Manual Renewal still change their status to "Waiting for Manual Renewal" when the relevant renewal time arrives.
This is a label change only and is set to better reflect to the user the workflow step of PO lines that are either renewed automatically or manually. This change will be reflected in all areas of Alma including facets and has no other implications. The existing "All" index was enhanced to search PO lines by their internal notes. Users can search by the full note description or perform a search by a partial description of the note content.
This enables Acquisitions staff to find specific PO lines by searching their notes. Internal notes can also be searched using the new dedicated Internal Notes search index. This allows patrons to reply back to the appropriate library. It is now possible to configure the Resource Sharing library so that electronic titles are automatically bound to a new lending request, only if the request is made in digital form.
The new option makes the lender locate process more accurate by matching electronic titles only if the request is for a digital supply. The new option is configured on the Resource Sharing library configuration. It is now possible to push borrower requests into Tipasa or WorldShare ILL, where they will be further processed as borrower requests. This is similar to an already existing integration option with ILLiad.
This new option enables requests that have not been fulfilled by a local peer-to-peer rota to be automatically pushed into the above mentioned broker systems, where they are further processed as a broker-managed request. This eliminates the need to manually transfer such requests to these systems. For example, ID may be an email address but be exported without the domain information. The regular expression may be defined on the new User identifier regex attribute of the ILLiad partner record.
This helps librarians that are browsing through bibliographic headings to see the information they find relevant for their institution. To support this ability, a new configuration table Bibliographic Headings Display Subfield Mapping was added to the configuration of the bibliographic profiles. This table shows the out-of-the-box values and the mapping that is currently implemented for the institution and enables the institution to define a new mapping of subfields.
Library staff can now publish a static URL that is defined at the level of an electronic portfolio. This is especially useful when the library needs to share electronic portfolios with 3rd party systems that need direct access to electronic resources as opposed to access via Alma Link Resolver.
Continuing the development from February see Library as a Basic Search Scope for Holdings Search , when doing a Physical Items search, the Inventory Operator and other users can now limit the scope of their search to specific libraries they always search in.
This reduces the need to define the library in the Advanced search or to use facets for every search. It is mostly relevant for librarians working in institutions with many libraries, where they are responsible for just a few of them. See Searching in Alma. This enables Catalogers to easily create a new holdings record derived from the chosen template, without running the risk of accidentally changing it, as could be done previously, when the default action was Edit.
In case creation of a new record is not possible due to missing referenced bibliographic record, the Edit action will be performed with a confirmation message "New holdings record cannot be created due to missing relevant bibliographic record. Are you sure to continue with editing the template? Selecting Yes opens the template in edit mode. When importing titles, the goal is to automatically determine whether the title already exists in the catalog.
To achieve a single match and avoid multiple matches since this requires manual intervention , the last created record can now be preferred. If this option is selected, then in addition to the creation date, only the "Disregard matches for bibliographic CZ linked records" filter is applied to matches.
Automatic Upload of Electronic Holdings now allows libraries to update their holdings within the Wiley journals and books offerings in a single automated process. Once enabled, the process automatically downloads a KBART formatted holdings file from the Wiley platform, uploads the file, and updates your holdings in the Wiley collections.
For this purpose, the following dedicated collections were added to the Community Zone, these collections reflect all books and journals available from Wiley:. The new Digital Waitlist subject area was added to Alma Analytics. With the fields of this subject area you can create reports that describe the usage of the waitlist feature in Alma, such as the session start, end, and grace period. This subject area allows you to answer the following business questions:.
For more information about the Digital Waitlist subject area, see Digital Waitlist. For more information, see: Acquisition Licenses in the Developer Network.
As part of our continuous effort to enhance the Alma user experience, Alma is now certified for use in Safari browsers for Mac computers and Ipad in landscape orientation.
See Browser and OS Requirements. If your institution uses this certificate, Ex Libris recommends that you consult with the IT dept. If replacing the certificate, this must be done in coordination with your IDP. For more information, see Replacing a Signed Certificate. Clickjacking protection introduced in February , see Clickjacking Protection is now open to all institutions by default no need to contact to Ex Libris Support to open it. See Preventing Clickjacking. It is now possible to configure fulfillment messages to pop up without the Confirm or OK button being automatically in focus.
This requires operators to explicitly navigate to the Confirm or OK button using the mouse or keyboard when confirming the message.
This new option prevents unintended confirmation of fulfillment messages resulting from hitting Enter or simply scanning in the next item. This affects pop-ups that are triggered by scan-in of an item barcode in the Return Items and Manage Patron Services pages as well as the Scan In Items page. Alma now enables configuring the system to enable privileged staff members to extend a loan due date at check-out time beyond the expiry date of a patron. If you do not want to enable this parameter, keep the value as NONE.
The new parameter affects only loans in the patron workbench. The behavior of self-check loans, personal delivery loans, and renewals is not affected. To achieve better collection development analysis capabilities of libraries' electronic holdings, the Overlap Analysis Tool has been improved to support additional use cases by introducing new functionality. In addition, a new interface is now introduced for the Overlap Analysis Tool to enable easy and intuitive report creation and summary results.
Main new use cases that are now supported:. See Working with Overlap and Collection Analysis. This includes:. When doing a Physical Holdings search, the Inventory Operator and other users can now limit the scope of their search to specific libraries they always search in. See Filtering Search Results. When importing titles, the goal is to automatically establish whether the title already exists in the catalog.
To achieve a single match, and avoid multiple matches, you can now configure multi-step match methods, by which Alma determines whether imported records already exist in the institution's catalog. When left-clicking a template in the templates list of the Metadata Editor for a bibliographic or authority record, now the default action in the Template List is Create New Record from Template.
This enables Catalogers to easily create a new record derived from the chosen template, without running the risk of accidentally changing it, as could be done previously, when the default action was Edit. To make the System Events subject area more usable for customers, a large number of events were added to be available for reporting.
This event list was created based on internal research into existing user reports and discussions with the Analytics Working Group. Currently over events are available for reporting.
For a list of the available events, see System Events. For more information, see: Configuration and Administration in the Developer Network. DARA now identifies if you have local standalone portfolios with the same base URL that probably belong to the same provider and recommends that you group them into a collection. Fulfillment Library Independence supports better separation of private fulfillment data between multiple libraries that are grouped in an Alma institution, for instance:.
Maintaining a single Alma institution but still enabling greater independence of the libraries correctly balances the requirement for a single Alma institution with the need of the libraries to maintain their independence. The Fulfillment Library Independence enables separating fulfillment activities in one of two models:. For more information, see Fulfillment Library Independence as well as this recording from the Jan. Alma has enhanced its borrowing resource sharing rules to include Job Category.
Previously, resource sharing requests could not use the same kind of identifying data in the patron record as was possible for local requests. The enhancement enables the same pickup and delivery options for both locally held items and for resource sharing requested items. Two new elements were added to the PO line's Pricing section:. Clickjacking is an attack that tricks users by showing them an innocuous page that includes real controls from sensitive pages.
These controls are disguised through the use of background frames that mask off everything except the control, so that the user cannot tell that they are actually clicking on a sensitive function in some other website. This can cause users to unwittingly download malware, provide credentials or sensitive information. To prevent clickjacking via Ex Libris products, Ex Libris has adopted a policy-based mitigation technique. Now institutions can instruct the browser about appropriate actions to perform if their site is included inside an iframe.
Previously, the mapping of subfields of bibliographic headings was pre-defined by Ex Libris for all institutions, and could not be modified. Now the ability to configure the display and sorting values for bibliographic headings was added, so that each institution can define its own mapping, based on the pre-defined mapping provided by Ex Libris out-of-the-box. Currently, this functionality exists for MARC21 only.
This functionality is disabled by default. To configure it in coordination with your institution, contact Ex Libris Customer Support. Following the introduction of the Physical Holdings search in Alma in November release , now the advanced search is available as well for this search option. The Advanced Physical Holdings search works similarly to the existing advanced search for other types of searches, but it is based on a new concept of condition-writing using a query builder, which offers a more convenient and user-friendly user interface, and the ability to easily write complex queries.
See Using Advanced Search. The new version of the XML profile will become available when the format change of the German National Library comes into effect on February 8th The display collection path feature that was added in January for the Alma Viewer is now available for the Universal Viewer and Internet Archive Book Reader viewers as well.
Select the Display Collection Path in Viewer checkbox to display the collection path at the bottom of the Descriptive Information pane for all viewers. You can now add additional rules to an access rights policy that has a concurrent usage Controlled Digital Lending access rights rule.
This allows you to configure the concurrent users restriction to apply to only specific patrons. For example, you can configure a user group rule to allow patrons with print disabilities to access a digital representation without concurrent usage restrictions, but apply the concurrent usage restriction to all other users. The access rights rule that allows free access must be placed before the concurrent usage rule to implement this functionality.
You can now view a list of the patrons in a waitlist for a representation and remove them from the waitlist or move them to the top. To support this feature a Waitlist tab now appears in the Digital Representation Editor for a representation with an active waitlist. Select the tab to display a list of the patrons in the waitlist:. Select the row action Remove to remove the patron from the waitlist and Move to Top to make the patron next in line for the resource.
Data Visualization enables you to create visualizations of your data, which assists in decision making. You can now add data visualization projects as analytics objects. In addition, you can now filter the list of analytics objects by Data Visualization Project :. Institutions can now use an API to generate a report that indicates the IP addresses for users that failed to login to Alma.
A new "Owner" column is added to the EDI task list. This column, which is sortable, displays the owning library for each PO line. The added column enables institutions working with the EDI task list to review the PO lines by their owning library.
In addition, the existing "Vendor" column was added with a sort option. It is now possible to include primary identifiers as part of the exported list when using Alma's Export option from the user list.
An Extended Export option will generate an Excel file similar to the existing "all fields" export, adding the primary ID as a column. The Extended Export contains private data and is only available to users with access to this data, such as users with "user manager update" privileges.
Previously this was available only when the institution was selected in the Configuration menu. When logos are defined on both the institution and the library levels, the logo displayed on the letter is determined as follows: a. If the organization unit is Library, and a library logo exists for that library, the library logo is displayed.
If organization unit is Library and no library logo exists for that library, the institution logo is displayed. If organization unit is Institution, the Institution logo is displayed. The job can only be configured and run in the Network Zone.
The resulting letters will be sent from the specific library. In addition, the owner of short loans' Courtesy Letter has been changed to be the owning library. For more information, see Configuring Other Settings Fulfillment.
This action is enabled by selecting the newly added step Automatically Will Supply in the borrowing workflow profile disabled by default. New labels were added to the 'Will Supply' email and the "ISO General Messages", to allow libraries to configure a note to be sent if there are items available or not. The Derive New Record functionality in the Alma Metadata Editor now supports selecting whether to use the MMS ID or an external system identifier located in the field for matching between related bibliographic records.
In addition, this dialog now support the option to specify the System Identifier Prefix. The prefix is optional. When it is not set, all fields are used. See Deriving a New Bibliographic Record. They can be selected in the Metadata Editor and used as part of the publishing. When catalogers press F3 on one of the authority-enabled fields in the Metadata Editor, a list of headings coming from the relevant authority field appears. Now you can extend this functionality so that pressing F3 displays the list of headings from several authority fields.
Catalogers can then select any of the terms in the list, and have the preferred one copied to the bibliographic record. This is done by combining the authority headings from , , , and fields into one list. Authority fields ,,, are not supported by this functionality, as they are not part of the authority control mechanism.
See Working with Authority Records. You can now configure the Alma Viewer to display the collection path at the bottom of the Descriptive Information pane. This enables the export to ILLiad to be fully automatic and not require any manual handling of the note. This prevents users from placing borrowing requests for resources that you do not offer. For more information, see Adding Display Logic Rules.
It indicates if the borrowing request was filled. The following values are possible for this field:. The Copyright percentage field enables librarians to clearly determine the percentage of pages requested for a resource. If field empty — Only update courses without a Year. If field not empty — Only update courses that currently contain a Year. Unconditionally — Update all courses without exception. For more information, see Course Bulk Update.
If a new material type is added to Leganto, but not mapped in the field mapping or brief format, it is mapped as a book. Similarly, for electronic items, when using the action Portfolio List to Delete a portfolio, the warning message now includes a notice that one or more items from this portfolio are on at least one reading list and which courses the reading lists are associated with. For more information on the new System Events subject area, see System Events.
It displays the internal access model of the portfolio. For more information on access models, see Managing Access Models. If an institution makes changes that impact the partner information in the Resource Sharing Directory, such as email, address, etc. For more information, see Contributing to the Resource Sharing Directory. The information for these fields comes from the loan record. Therefore, data is displayed for these fields even for institutions that anonymize their user records.
It displays the internal access model for the electronic resource. The following field names were changed in the Analytics Objects Measures dimension of the Analytics Objects subject area to improve clarity:. In addition, the Permanent Call Number column was added to all tabs of the Title Level Overlap Analysis dashboard that display physical items.
Leganto now offers the option to present the reading list name in Primo search results. Multiple lists are divided by a semicolon ;. For more information, see The Format of Published Data. It indicates the number of digital citation views during an active course. The default setting for this job is Inactive. For more information, see Automatic Job Renewals. When set to Yes , this indicates that the institution has agreed to share its information. The default setting for this option is No.
We strongly recommend setting this option to Yes. For more information, see Resource Sharing. By default, this field is blank. The User identifier regex field in the example below indicates that Alma should use the identifying information until the to match the User identifier type Primary Identifier in Illiad.
For more information, see Integrating Rapido and Illiad. Search for what you need. Upcoming Issues to Note SAML Certificate Workflow Update Starting in August , to accommodate the updated expiration policy of the certificate vendors, the signed certificate will be issued twice yearly.
Explore the November release highlights here. August Release Highlights Explore the August release highlights here. Upcoming Issues to Note Sandbox Refresh As a reminder, premium sandboxes will be updated in August according to Alma's premium sandbox refresh policy.
SAML Certificate Workflow Update Starting in August , to accommodate the updated expiration policy of the certificate vendors, the signed certificate will be issued twice yearly. Now you can define your own search scope to only see items from the libraries relevant to you. May Release Sneak Preview Click here to view the next release sneak preview. Make the Most of March's Release Action Items New and improved Overlap Analysis Tool - You can use the tool to better understand your electronic resource content overlap and availability to help your purchasing decisions.
April Release Sneak Preview Click here to view the next release sneak preview. Make the Most of February's Release Action Items Fulfillment Library Independence - Fulfillment Library Independence supports better separation of private fulfillment data between multiple libraries that are grouped in an Alma institution. Upcoming Issues to Note Sandbox Refresh As a reminder, premium sandboxes will be updated in February according to Alma's premium sandbox refresh policy. Alma Documentation Enhancements In response to customer feedback and inputs, Ex Libris has implemented targeted improvements to Alma online help documentation to enhance your understanding of Alma and make full use of its features.
The enhancements include: How-To documentation Workflow diagrams Reorganization of the Resource Management, Fulfillment and Acquisitions sections Over 55 new glossary terms Over links to training videos Click here to view the promotional video outlining the improvements. March Release Sneak Preview Click here to view the next release sneak preview. Library Level Patron Notifications - It is now possible to set notifications that aggregate multiple fulfillment actions so that they be sent per library.
Main Features No main features match your criteria. The main new features of the new UI are: Details pane: A work area can be opened in a pane on the right side of the request list. This makes it possible to edit most aspects of the request without losing sight of the request list, and also speeds up the editing process. Multiple facet selection: Multiple criteria can be selected in each facet category, providing more flexibility in the creation of a filtered request list.
Streamlined access to notes and patron queries: Notes and patron queries can be seen, added, and edited in the new right pane. This makes these important elements more noticeable and easier to manage when reviewing the request list or processing requests. Status and assignee information as facets: Activity status and assignee information are facet categories, enabling searching for requests by specifying multiple activity statuses and a number of specific assignees.
Sliding panel: When access to the full request form, with all of its tabs, is required, it opens in a panel that "slides" out from the right side of the right panel, only partially covering the task list. This enables work on all aspects of the request without losing sight of the request-list context. Borrowing Requests task list - New Layout with Details pane open. Community Zone Restricted Fields Field restrictions are in place for Bibliographic Community Zone records: Field cannot be added, edited, or removed.
Bib headings created from and fields linked to local authorities. Physical holdings index search with pattern levels of enumeration. New authority index Other Standard Identifier , see here. Exclude Heading from Linking November Resource Management URM It is now possible to exclude specific headings from being linked to an authority record by automatic processes. Watch the Support for split coverage in the portfolio loader and portfolio export video mins.
Doing this will have multiple advantages: Frequency Ex Libris moved from full synchronization on a weekly basis to daily incremental processing, which is faster and keeps your collection as up-to-date as possible. Titles that are missing from the Community Zone at the point of the daily integration are automatically activated once added to the Community Zone. If the collection becomes non-functional, Ex Libris will consider its removal from the Knowledgebase.
Pending deletion deletion date is added next to this value These collections are deleted within 4 weeks, in alignment with our existing procedure. Contributed by Institution These collections have been contributed by an institution and any questions can be addressed by them. Ex Libris is working on generating contact information for those institutions, should they need to be reached. Region - From which region this collection was activated from.
This happens in these two scenarios: The electronic collection has an available service and has at least one available portfolio. The electronic collection has no service but its level URL is not empty and its Bibliographic record is not suppressed.
Unified PO-line task list with multiple facets selected and details about the selected PO line in the Details pane on the right. The current user interface will remain available and easily accessible in order to allow gradual acclimation if needed. If your institution would like to test the new design in production, send an email to earlytester. Clear Form Button Added to Next Generation "Advanced Search" as Included in Physical Holdings November Administration and Infrastructure URM Staff search areas that include the new advanced search such as Physical Holdings and now " the new POLine" have a " Clear form " button such as the one that exists in the existing advanced search enabling users to clear all the lines of the query created.
If you attempt to archive a course with a reading list that is linked to additional courses, you receive an error message: This course cannot be archived because it has [number] unarchived reading lists that are linked to other courses.
Disable Submit Button When No Known Partner Exists August Fulfillment-Resource Sharing URM It is now possible to configure the Primo request form not only to indicate whether there are known partners that can fulfill the request, but also to prevent submitting the form if indeed no known partners have been found.
The main new features of the new UI are: Right pane: A work area can be opened in a pane on the right side of the request list. Accession Number - Library Level Definition August Physical Resource Management URM To enhance support for Library independence within an institution it is now possible for a library to define library level accession sequences for controlling automatic generation of holdings and item accession numbers.
Here are the Managment Level options: Ex Libris Managed by Ex Libris Community Managed on title level by community Not maintained The vendor no longer supports this collection - this is a dynamic list that will continue to be assessed by Ex Libris Content Operations over time Contributed by Institution Collection contributed and managed by an Alma institution.
Government Documents The option to delete a portfolio was added in 2 places: New action on the Community Zone portfolio.
Enhancement to the existing Delete action on Institution Zone portfolios that are activated from the five Community Zone collections. In the Institution Zone - the deletion is possible from: Portfolio list Service editor Portfolio search. DC Normalization Rules Local fields enable you to create custom mappings for data from a DC source for search and facets as well as for display.
For a video describing adding captions to video files, see Adding closed captions and subtitles for videos in Alma Digital. This feature has been delayed and will be made available with a future release.
New Feature Rollout Configuration August Administration and Infrastructure URM As Alma shifts more and more areas and functions to its new user interface there is a growing need to enable a controlled and gradual process for the user to learn and get used to the new features. When set to false , the Assignee can only be set manually. The default setting for this parameter is false. If the Operators list for a processing department is blank, the list will not be automatically assigned.
When multiple courses are associated with a list, the Assignee is selected from the processing department of the first course that was associated with the list. For imported reading lists, if the import file includes an Assignee , the Assignee is assigned to the reading list. If the file Assignee is blank, the list is assigned to an operator from the processing department at random.
For rolled over reading lists, if the rollover job is configured to copy the Assignee , the Assignee is assigned to the list. If the Assignee is blank, or the rollover job is not configured to copy the Assignee , the list is assigned to an operator from the processing department. If a course is deleted or unassociated with a list, the current Assignee remains assigned to the reading list.
Alphabetical Sorting of Libraries in GetIt - Support for Languages May Administration and Infrastructure URM Previously, sorting of the item list in the GetIt section in Primo is by one of the following options: Priority based on a number of available items per library — default option Alphabetically Custom In cases where the Alphabetical sorting was selected and there are diacritics in the location name that the item belongs to, this does not come into consideration.
Locations Ordering Profile. The enhancements include: An added language globe icon for the Work-Order-Type field. Based on the current language of the staff or patron, the relevant value is displayed. Improvements in Import Code Tables May Administration and Infrastructure URM The importing and exporting of code tables is improved with regards to handling of translations for such tables.
The improvements include: Making the export sensitive to the language. Having the Header of the column include the language. Full support for fixed-rows code tables and making them available for all relevant code tables. See the list below: Field was added and field was renamed. See here. Support for Lithuanian Alphabet. Example use case: A room in the library has to be closed due to mold.
Create a set of all items in the room. Run a job to add the new work order type to all the items. Once the mold issue is resolved, run the job again to remove the work order and make the items available again. This functionality is useful for various use cases such as: A vendor announces platform maintenance that will make the platform inaccessible for several hours. There is a need to batch-apply to all the collections on that platform the same Authentication Note stating that the platform is unavailable.
Then, when the maintenance is over, there is the ability to batch-remove the same note. A vendor announces that the URL syntax is changed. Update electronic collections to use the same proxy server. How will this information be used? This feature requires indexing and will be fully available after the semi-annual indexing.
The default action for the Community Zone record remains "View". Main new use cases that are now supported: When considering to order an electronic collection, can help users establish which part of this collection is already covered in other electronic collections available in your existing library content, to learn which collection has a better value for money, and to avoid content overlap and purchasing of duplicate resources.
When considering to cancel electronic collections, can help uses determine content overlap rate for possible resource cancellation scenarios, in order to learn what full text access would be lost if a resource were cancelled. To support the above use cases and additional use cases, new comparing options have been added: Ability to select a Community Zone collection as a source for comparison. Ability to select the entire Institution Zone as a target for comparison. Add Network Zone holdings as an option for overlap analysis.
This includes: Adding new bibliographic field Funding note. Updating bibliographic field with new values for positions Updating bibliographic with new values for position 0.
Holdings Search My Library - collapsed. For the first two weeks, the available data will be partial, since historical events are being loaded going back to July 1, Fulfillment Library Independence February Fulfillment Idea Exchange URM Fulfillment Library Independence supports better separation of private fulfillment data between multiple libraries that are grouped in an Alma institution, for instance: Small Universities or other organizations that are grouped into a single Alma institution Independent colleges that are part of a single institution Institutions that are organized as independent campuses Maintaining a single Alma institution but still enabling greater independence of the libraries correctly balances the requirement for a single Alma institution with the need of the libraries to maintain their independence.
For example, in this model circulation desk operators at a library have access to patrons' loans information only if the loaned item belongs to the circulation desk operator's scoped library. For example, in this model circulation desk operators at a library have access to patrons' loans information not only for loans of items that belong to the circulation desk operator's scoped library but also to loans that are picked up at the circulation desk operator's scoped library.
The Update Net Price according to item quantity checkbox is enabled by default when creating new PO lines. PO Line Pricing Section. When creating a new PO line using a template, the Automatically update price to quantity of item s checkbox is enabled by default.
When a user populates the Discount amount field, a 0. Clickjacking Protection February Administration and Infrastructure. To enable this functionality, contact Ex Libris Customer Support.
Watch the Advanced Physical Holdings Search video minutes. Failed login will register only when the password is internal in ExLibris IdP.
When a notification is triggered, if divided by libraries, multiple notifications will be sent. For example, when sending an activity report from the patron workbench, if the patron has loans or fines in more than one library, an activity report will be sent for each such library. For Fulfillment entities that are not owned by a specific library such as a fine or fee that is owned by the institution, or a request that may be served by multiple libraries a letter will be sent by the institution.
If an overdue and lost loan profile is configured to generate a notification fee, and several notifications are sent by this profile for different libraries, a fee will be charged for each notification. Watch the Library Level Patron Notifications video minutes. Add Workflow Profile. To set up this functionality for your institution, please contact Ex Libris Customer Support. This will no longer be necessary for the February release.
See the upcoming February release notes for changes to this feature. Receive AUTH record metadata as payload. In order to run the API you will need to have a defined import profile. The following values are possible for this field: Yes — the request was filled. No — the request was not fulfilled, because it was rejected by the partner. Not Applicable — the request was cancelled because, for example, the item is actually available, the institution decided to purchase the requested item, or the patron cancelled the request.
In Progress — the request is in the process of being handled. When the Year checkbox is selected and the field contains a value, you can define the conditions for update:. If the checkbox is selected and the Year is left blank, the year is removed from all courses in the set. The new types are displayed as part of the Type drop-down menu.
In the Type drop-down menu, the new material types are presented under the Others sub-category and are ordered alphabetically. Existing types cannot be removed, only customized. When using the Withdraw Items action to remove a physical item from a repository, Alma now checks whether this item is used as course material.
If so, the warning message now includes a notice that the item is on one or more reading lists. The message also includes the courses that are associated with the list or lists. Confirmation Message for removing electronic items. Additional Enhancements No additional enhancements match your criteria.
To support this feature, the U. SuDoc Classifications folder was added to the Other Classifications dimension in all subject areas in which it appears. The U. SuDoc Classification information is taken from the field of the bibliographic record. For more information, see Other Classifications. It is replaced by the System Events Subject Area to enable quicker and more efficient running of reports.
If you have analytics reports, dashboards, or widgets that use the old Events subject area, these must be replaced with reports based on the new System Events subject area. Additionally, any analytics objects that you have based on reports or dashboards from the old Events subject area must be replaced with reports or dashboards from the new System Events subject area.
If you need assistance recovering reports that used the old Events subject area, contact Ex Libris Support. For more information, see this Knowledge Article. This makes it possible for remote storage facilities that manage their stock by Storage IDs rather than barcodes to effectively integrate with Alma.
November Resource Management URM It is now possible to include the receiver's name in the email address in emails sent from Alma. This may decrease the chances of having the email count as spam when it enters the recipient's inbox. This was done in order to standardize the terminology throughout Alma. November Analytics URM The Bibliographic Details dimension, common to many subject areas, was added to the Digital Waitlist subject area to enable you to create reports with the fields of this dimension.
It indicates if the option to automatically activate new portfolios when they are added to a service is configured. For more information, see Managing Electronic Resources.
For more details, see Primo Discovery. It displays the notes added under the Notes tab for the borrowing request or the lending request. This field is separate from the Notes field that displays the notes added under the General Information tab.
August Administration and Infrastructure URM Librarians are now enabled to view entities they have worked on 14 days prior, allowing more data retention within Alma. August Administration and Infrastructure URM Recent Entities now reflect activities that you performed for the last 14 days.
This makes it easier for staff working on the list to organize and prioritize their work on it. This makes it possible to export this list with these values included so that library applications that use Alma APIs can use them as required.
Note that the columns are hidden by default in Alma, so you will only see them if you select them in the table settings. This format enables users more options and improves efficiency. Alma Events Event Type Event Description The user has failed to login to the system Community linked record updated with local extensions Send message to remote storage successfully No response from remote storage Failed to send message to remote storage Failed to connect to remote storage Loading patron user group succeeded Loading patron user group failed Wrong Data found when parsing element for User Import Job External system Task Chain Fail for User Failed to send Inventory Add message Inventory Delete message was sent successfully Failed to send Inventory Delete message.
It indicates the specific Ex Libris product for which the role is assigned. May Analytics URM The names of the following fields were changed to have the word User added as a prefix to indicate that the information comes from the user record. Therefore, no data is displayed for these fields for institutions that anonymize their user records. To enable this feature, contact Ex Libris support. They indicate the time from when the lending library sent the requested material until the patron received it.
February Digital Resource Management URM Navigation arrows were added to the Alma Viewer for images displayed in Full Screen mode to allow you to navigate between the images of a representation. This field displays the call number used to file items on the shelves of the library. It displays the note of the PO line renewal for continuous orders.
A pop-up now appears with a list of the collections to which you can move the titles. Watch the Move Titles Between Collections video seconds. The user cannot save images using the Save As function of the browser. For more information, see Out-of-the-Box Reports. It indicates how many requested digital files were actually accessed by patrons. November Fulfillment - Course Reserves URM When new items are manually added to reading lists in Alma, Alma attempts to link them to library resources using the resource locate functionality.
Previously, the option to have items with multiple matches located by inventory type was only used when items were added in Leganto and in the Process and Enrich citations job. It indicates if the course is archived or unarchived. January Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: Resolved Issues No resolved issues match your criteria.
This was fixed. November Release Update Acquisitions SF: URM When two instances of the EDI-Load Files job ran simultaneously, the jobs did not always import all of the invoices from the vendor's server. Now, multiple instances of the job will not be allowed to run at the same time - each new instance will wait until the previous one has finished. As a result, all invoices will be imported as they should be. The link has been restored. This was fixed so now when pressing the Holdings tab, holding information is presented.
F9, etc. April Release Update Resource Management SF: URM New Metadata Editor: An issue with tabs management caused issues with the data presented in some functions that use multiple tabs browse bib headings, authorities and view inventory. February Release Update Fulfillment - Resource Sharing SF: URM A borrowing request was not received by the next partner on the rota after being manually rejected by the staff of the previous partner.
This was fixed and the request cancellation reasons now display in the translated language. This was fixed and the default value that is now used is the Default pickup location configured on the resource sharing library; the value from the customer parameter is only used if this configuration is empty or not applicable.
This was fixed, and in these cases, the request is now canceled. December Fulfillment SF: URM The facets in the Monitor Requests list did not show the list of requests in chronological order when more than one page of results existed. This was fixed and the requests now display in chronological order.
This was fixed and the information is now sent to RapidILL. All unassigned borrowing requests are now correctly displaying in the relevant task widgets.
December Resource Management SF: URM When blended sets are used in publishing from consortia members, member records linked to the Network Zone or Community Zone records were not flagged for republishing when items or holdings were deleted. The fix will only apply when items or holdings are deleted after the December release deployment. It is not retroactive. The fix will be applied for updated records from the December release.
Existing data will be handled in the next semi-annual indexing job planned for May This has been fixed. Now SBN search fields are displayed.
It is recommended to reload the original record. This was fixed and now all occurrences of the subfield are being checked and corrected. These were fixed. This was fixed and now it is possible to select and perform actions for files from multiple pages. In addition, 2 feedback messages were added: 1. These files will not be handled. Now, when a user has many roles related to physical inventory management for different libraries, the process for editing a holding is noticeably enhanced.
December Electronic Resource Management SF: URM In the Upload Electronic Holdings job, there were some cases when two titles were related to each other, and one title was already activated in the institution but the other one was not yet activated. In these cases, instead of activating the missing title, the job would update the existing portfolio with coverage data from the missing portfolio. December Electronic Resource Management SF: URM When searching for an electronic collection and enabling blended network search, after clicking on the portfolio list and searching the electronic collection again, the blended search is not enabled.
This issue was fixed and now the blended search results appear. December Electronic Resource Management SF: URM When using the extended export of the electronic collection portfolio list in the Community Zone, in some cases the exported files are not opening. This issue was fixed and the exported files open successfully. This issue was fixed and the column is now empty for local electronic collections. This was fixed and the error message is no longer displayed.
This was fixed by changing the mode of the page to edit mode. This was fixed and now no value is equal to Zero value. Note that at this point, the fix covers only cases where the predicted schedule is monthly or annual with both chronological and enumeration data.
December Acquisitions SF: URM There was an issue when trying to update the monthly usage data which caused duplicated rows. This was fixed and there are no more duplicated rows after a manual upload. December Acquisitions SF: URM In cases where the vendor account was unknown, the emailed letter would not be sent. This was fixed so that when the vendor account is not known an email is sent to the email associated with the vendor.
This was fixed; The date of the old value change is displayed. December Administration and Infrastructure SF: URM Editing an expired user account sometimes incorrectly triggered the sending of a Patron Welcome letter to the user. This was fixed and patrons whose user accounts expired no longer receive the Patron Welcome letter.
This was fixed by updating the clone script. December Administration and Infrastructure SF: URM Users search was still available when the User list view privilege was disabled, for example, an operator with the Circulation desk operator role could search users via the Manage Patron Services page.
This has been fixed and the User search is no longer available when the User list view privilege is disabled. December Administration and Infrastructure SF: URM Upload of an Excel file into a mapping table fails if there are more rows in the excel file than there are rows in the table.
This has been corrected. December Administration and Infrastructure SF: URM When the Quick links menu is pinned, it is not refreshed immediately upon adding or removing items was fixed. December Administration and Infrastructure SF: URM We changed the behavior of the Analytics widgets - to show reports with pagination rows per page and not the full report. December Administration and Infrastructure SF: URM When trying to display digital files with the Alma Viewer, an error in Angular js resulted in redundant calls that created a error and prevented the file from being displayed.
An error message Query Error More Detail was displayed.
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